Kit McCarty and GriefShare group leader Debbie Sims, offer help to people in recovery as they navigate the holidays.
[Having recently lost her mother, father and brother]: I am on the same journey as the participants.Grief work is hard work.
If people are really sincere about getting help and finding a program, GriefShare is a great place to go.
There will always be triggers and emotions that come with grief. But God is by our side, and He walks with us on the path to help get us through it.
You are on a journey. You can’t go around it, or over it, or under it; you have to go through it to get to the other side. It’s not easy.
Make a plan. Give yourself grace. Don’t get stuck; move forward.
No grief journey is the same.
Sometimes we have to step back before we can move forward.
Grief is the price we pay when we lose someone we love.
Pain from the grief lessens, but it’s always there; it’s always a part of you. It’s like a tree that’s been wounded: the bark heals around the wound. The wound is there, but it’s different. The pain is there, but it’s different. As you travel the journey further down, then it’s not so intense as when it first happened.
Turn to God, He understands. Even if you are angry and hurt, God’s there and He’s not going to leave you.
Thank God for that person. Thank God for the opportunities to have that person with you and the memories you share together.
We’re all on a journey. I’m thankful the Lord is with us on the journey. He brings us comfort and hope, and He’s ready to help us along the way.