Kyle Turner’s life turned upside-down when his daughter Maegan was diagnosed with a neurological disorder that required 24/7 care, a role he joyfully embraces. Hear what being a father and grandfather mean to him this week on Now I See.
Six years in the army and fourteen years as an owner/manager of six high profile health and fitness centers helped Kyle Turner become tough. Being a husband, a father of three, and a grandfather of three has made him tender. This is especially evident in the way he cares for Maegan, his daughter who was diagnosed with a neurological disorder that requires 24/7 care. Kyle found a job he could do from home so he could be present and provide for his family. In the course of Maegan’s care, Kyle and his wife Vernetta learned more than they never wanted to know about seizures and medications, breathing treatments, feeding tubes, palliative career, cognitive and muscle therapies. They have spent more than 900 days in the Neurovascular Intensive Care Unit (NVICU), and even more on their knees in prayer.
“I never saw this as a burden,” said Kyle, who embraces the opportunity to show a high level of extraordinary care for his family. Rather than feeling like he’s missing out on life, Kyle insists he has grown richer in all the ways that really matter. His faith in God is strong and sure. His life is full of meaningful relationships with people he’s known since high school, business colleagues and friends, a close-knit family, and a team of medical professionals who have walked with them every step of the way. Life’s unpredictabiites have caused him to let go of the things he can’t control, and prioritize the things he can, chief among them, his attitude. He is joyful, peaceful and grateful. How? You’ll have to hear him tell it on this week’s episode of Now I See.
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