24: Ted Vanlandeghem, The Unexpected Journey

Kit McCarty welcomes Ted Vanlandeghem, the US Spokesperson for Maoz Israel, to talk about being a Messianic Jew in international outreach, and what it means to journey in the land of the unexpected.


God has been at the forefront of my journey from the very beginning, guiding me in a supernatural way, to bring His Good News to people around the world, including the people in Israel.

When you look back you can see how God was moving.

I am a Jewish believer in Jesus, and I have a responsibility to share His message with my people.

“You are no longer to toil in things of no eternal consequence. Your hands have been set apart for a holy occupation.”

Muslims need to hear the message of Jesus, but they need compassion too. It blows their mind that Jewish Christians not only want to tell them about Jesus, but want to know them, and show them love, and protect them and help them.

God does little things, which are to me the big things. God has taken me on this journey of the unexpected.

The Lord spoke in my heart, “Ted I brought you this way to show you I’m the God of the 50¢. Everything you need I have provided or will provide for you. You just need to trust me, and let go, and release it all to me. Even when it doesn’t make sense, completely and utterly put all of your trust in me.”

We didn’t ask anybody for help, but God knew the need. Before we spoke or prayed, He put it on somebody’s heart in a crazy way. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it is true.

Let go of control, and let the Lord steer your ship. Don’t try to orchestrate it yourself.

Uncertainty is an opportunity to reach out and minister to others who don’t have hope and are hurting and afraid, to give them help and to show them the hope that we have.”


Jews for Jesus 

The Christian and Missionary Alliance 

Maoz Israel 


I Stand With Israel (humanitarian site


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Email Ted V.



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