More Guest from the Now I See Podcast
27: Kristi Arrington, Gift Drive Coordinator
Kit McCarty welcomes Krisit Arrington, a Christmas Gift Drive coordinator for foster children at a central Texas Home for Children SHOW HIGHLIGHTS I’m the person you can count on. If I say I'm going to do it, I’m going to do it. Whatever it takes, I’m going to get it...
Dick Woodward, Restaurateur
When Dick Woodward turned 80, more than 250 people came to his restaurant, Dick’s Uptown Cafe, in Cedar Hill, Texas.
26: Dick Woodward, Restaurateur
Kit McCarty welcomes octogenarian Dick Woodward to talk about his life and the lessons he’s learned along the way. Hear about his experiences as a business owner, his family and friends, his interests, and his dreams for the future on this episode of Now I See. SHOW...
Linda Whitman (Encore), Educational Advocate
“We are back in school. Many districts are plugging away working hard with their traditional lessons,