Kelley Walker is devoted to home and family, and not just hers, but yours. As a busy wife and mom, Kelley manages five businesses including realty, interior design, a tiny home dealership, and soon to be Tiny Home Resorts, as well as two health businesses that involve health coaching and wellness advocacy. “I just like to help people,” Kelley said.
Kelley added, “Fifty is a magical age, because all of a sudden you embrace who you are, and you’re not going to negotiate any more who that person is. I’m sad that it took getting to 50 to discover it. At this stage, I’ve learned so much. I’ve been on a crash course of leadership and discovery for the past 10 years. I so wish I would have been on this path in my teens and 20s. I’m very passionate with my kids about discovering their strengths and passions now. Everybody should learn their strengths early. It’s not so bad discovering it late, it’s what you do with the knowledge to help others.”
“I became a health coach because, when health came into my life, I knew I wanted to share it with everyone. I was living anything but a healthy lifestyle: boxed macaroni and cheese, fast food, a busy life. I had skin cancer five times. I didn’t know that we could really change our health with just how we ate,” Kelley said. “Growing up, no one was very health focused, no one talked about healthy meals. It was very eye-opening to me that God gave us all these things in creation so that our bodies could function the way He intended them to function. So when I discovered plants, fruits, vegetables and how they change your genetic code for wellness, I was hooked. I thought it was a way to help so many people.
For the past eight years, as a wellness advocate, Kelley shifted her focus from speaking to strangers at seminars, to talking to people in her immediate circle of influence. “The people I wanted to help where right in front of me,” she said. Kelley tells the story of a time when her son was really sick. Late one evening, rather than taking him to the doctor, she called a friend who suggested they try essential oils instead. Her husband was skeptical about what he called “voodoo batwing” treatment, but Kelley didn’t want to go to the emergency room and wait for hours in a room with other sick people. “What did we have to lose?” Kelley recalls. The friend rubbed oils on the son’s chest and feet, and used a diffuser for an hour. The next day, more oils were applied to his feet and chest. Within 36 hours he was completely well. “So for me that was the hook, line and sinker. It could have cost us several hundred dollars in doctors, medicine and time value in the doctor’s office. She spent 90ȼ.” Kelley, who cared for her father in his last years, believes that using essential oils gave her father a better quality of life and three extra years. It took her husband and extended family a while to get on board, but now they all have seen and felt benefits from essential oils and are fully convinced. “It has become a way of life, and I want to share it with everybody who will listen.”
“There are a lot of plants that can support our bodies for optimal wellness. This is why I called my company Restoring Eden. There was no pharmacy in the Garden of Eden. Don’t get me wrong; medicine can do a lot of good. But if we will just go back to what God gave us, we would all see a change in our health. There are a lot of plants that can support our bodies for optimal wellness. God knew what He was doing when He created our bodies to heal themselves.”

“The world has become toxic. This toxic load is at exponential levels, which causes autoimmunity.” Kelley’s advice? “Do your part! Stop cleaning with toxic chemicals. Eat heathy. Exercise. Drink lots of water. Get enough sleep. Choose better products. Take the vitamins that build your immunity. It’s as simple as that. Fear is the disease right now, but you don’t have to fear. Just trust in the Lord and what He gave us. Trust in the Lord, do your part, don’t live in fear.”
“We live DoTerra,” said Kelley. “We probably use 30-50 products a day. It’s a natural lifestyle. It’s an empowering way of life. It’s the most peaceful thing I have done for my family. Her advice as a coach? “You can have hope. There is a better way. So be proactive. Take that step. It’s up to you. Health is not going to find you. You have to fight for it. Every bite you take is for health or for disease. Be protective. Be empowered, not just empowered for your own health, but empowered to care for your loved ones.”
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