More Guest from the Now I See Podcast
20: Daniel Kennedy, Author
Kit McCarty welcomes Daniel Kennedy, author of the Basic Bible Guide, to talk about his radical transformation through reading the Bible, and his passion and mission to help others learn to read and understand it too. SHOW QUOTES I had heard of the Bible, so I went...
19: Trent Parker, Small Business Owner
Kit McCarty Welcomes guest Trent Parker, small business owner, to talk about what it means to work in a generational family business, to grow with his community, to have big dreams and still be happy right where he is. SHOW QUOTES We’ve been successful thus far, so...
Trent Parker, Small Business Owner
Trent Parker found everything he was looking for in his own backyard: identity, purpose, a place to belong, meaningful work, a close-knit family, friends and fun.
18: Linda Albrecht, Foxhorn Kennel
This week’s episode of Now I See goes to the dogs when Kit McCarty interviews Linda Albrecht of Foxhorn Kennel about dog shows, breeding, grooming, training, handling and rescue. SHOW QUOTES Wire fox terriers are December dogs: they bring joy to the world. They like...