All Episodes
All the Episodes of the Now I See Podcast, for your listening pleasure. Enjoy a new eye opening experience.
99: Todd Papabear Finney, All Tribes DC
Now I See Podcast with Kit McCarty
51: David Mast, Facing Fear
SHOW NOTES David Mast faces his fears head-on. Don’t miss his powerful pointers for facing your fears too, this week on Now I See. SHOW QUOTES I worked to overcome my fear of heights by climbing to the top of the silo literally every single night, just to prove to...
Now I See Year One Celebration
SHOW NOTES Don’t miss the birthday celebration of the Now I See podcast with candid talk from host Kit McCarty, and highlights from the past 50 shows. SHOW QUOTES We sat in our make-shift studio—aka the kitchen table—microphones and glasses of ice tea between us, and...
48: Joel Salazar, Musician
SHOW NOTES Join Joel Salazar as he recounts his love of music and how it set the course for his life. SHOW QUOTES I never would have thought that I would be doing what I love to do and getting paid for it. I love being around people. I’ve always wanted to touch...
47: David Witt, Spirit of Martyrdom
SHOW NOTES David Witt, CEO of Spirit of Martyrdom, tells eye-opening accounts from his own international adventures and from people around the world who are persecuted for their Christian faith. SHOW QUOTES What we do in our mission work is internationally serve...
46: Becky Reiff, Healing for the Brokenhearted
SHOW NOTES Rebecca Reiff, host of the Healing for the Brokenhearted online ministry, shares how God healed her broken heart and gave her a genuine love for hurting people. SHOW QUOTES It doesn't matter where you’re from, what you’ve done, or what’s been done to you....
45: Jason Curry, Fostering and Adopting
SHOW NOTES Jason Curry, president of the Texas Baptist Home for Children, tells about his family’s journey with fostering and adoption and invites you to help children in crisis. SHOW QUOTES I love being a dad, and I love being God’s son. To have a mom and dad that...
44: Rik Danielsen, Author
SHOW NOTES Author Rik Danielsen talks about the inspiration for his latest book, You Picked The Wrong Stagecoach, and offers advice to aspiring writers. SHOW QUOTES I see myself as an alcoholic, drug-abusing hippie, and God was gracious enough to deliver me. I'm gonna...
Bruce Lovesmith, History Teacher
SHOW NOTES Bruce Lovesmith shares his love of people, history, cultures, and Jesus on this week’s episode of Now I See. SHOW QUOTES It’s always what life is, it’s always what history is, it’s always what any job is; the greatness of everything is bound in the...
Jorja Clemson, City Leader
SHOW NOTES City leader Jorja Clemson talks about why she loves her city, and what she’s doing to help others love it too. SHOW QUOTES It's such a wonderful blessing to be active, alive and able to contribute. Not only do we get an opportunity to love on our neighbors,...